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Volume: 15 Issue: 1, 1/31/23

Year: 2023


International Journal of Engineering Research and Development is a peer-reviewed international research journal aiming at promoting and publishing original high-quality research in all disciplines of engineering sciences and technology.
Manuscripts are invited from academicians, scientists, researchers of universities and industry and for all interested people for publication consideration

Areas includes (but not limited to) all issues in Electrical&Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Computer Engineering and Industrial Engineering.

Authors who want to submit their works for evaluation in our journal should prepare their works according to the spelling rules and draft of our journal. Studies that do not comply with our journal's spelling rules will not be evaluated; it may cause our writers to delay as a process.

Publication Ethics

International Journal of Engineering Research and Development (IJERAD) basically undertakes to comply with the recommendations of ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) and the International Standards for Editors and Authors of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics).
IJERAD undertakes to carry out all publishing processes in an impartial, respectable and accountable manner in order to serve science. In this respect, it evaluates the works of the authors as ethical and fair, regardless of differences such as religion, language, race.
IJERAD ensures that the study applied for publication is evaluated by at least two referees in accordance with the blind referee evaluation procedures. The identity information of the authors and referees and that the work will be kept confidential are under the guarantee of IJERAD.
IJERAD selects experts in their fields as referees to evaluate the study.
Articles published by IJERAD are original articles that contribute to science and have not been published elsewhere and / or in any other language.
IJERAD does not allow any conflict of interest between all of its stakeholders. Manages the evaluation processes in a way that prevents the persons and institutions that are the addressee of the study from being harmed.
IJERAD undertakes to publish correction publication and inform its stakeholders for all articles that it determines that the ethical rules are violated.
The copyright of all works published in IJERAD belongs to IJERAD. It does not allow these works to be used without permission or reference.
The author must make a commitment that the study is original, not published elsewhere or in another language / evaluated for publication, and does not contain ethical concerns. Necessary permissions should be obtained for the visuals, figures, tables and quotations used in the studies, and they should be used with reference and acknowledgment. Copyright laws must be respected.
All authors involved in the study should have a scientific contribution to the study, and the author order should be correct from the most contributing author to the less contributing author. Consent of all authors must be obtained in the author ranking. Individuals and institutions that do not contribute enough to be authors to the study should be stated in the acknowledgment section.
The referees who accept the invitation sent to evaluate the study are deemed to have accepted to comply with ethical rules during the evaluation process, to keep the content of the study confidential and to reach an impartial judgment.
In the study evaluation process, the referees undertake not to meet with third parties about the publication to consult / discuss information about the study, and to protect the content of the study.

Research Ethics

The benefits of humanity and science should be considered in the selection of the research topic. Studies should be transparent and accountable.
Ethical board permissions and necessary legal / special permissions should be obtained in accordance with the research subject. Unauthorized or unethical research should not be done.
If the research requires the use of human and / or animal subjects, international declaration, guideline etc. it must be declared appropriate.
Researchers should transparently inform research participants, institutions and organizations about the subject, method, expected output, possible uses and risks involved.
People participating in the research should participate completely voluntarily and not be under coercion. Before starting the research, a consent document must be obtained from the participants and can be presented if requested. The consent of those under the age of 18 and under guardianship must be obtained from their legal guardian.
Researchers should conduct their work in a way that does not put participants at risk.
Researchers should ensure the confidentiality of participants' personal information and other information they provide. Participants should not allow sharing that may cause material or moral damage.
Researchers should not allow people living in any country or region, or people with different language, religion, race, etc., to suffer material or moral harm.

Ethics Committee and Obtaining Legal / Special Permit Certificate

Ethics Committee Permission is required to conduct research on the following issues.
Ø All kinds of research conducted with qualitative or quantitative approaches that require data collection from participants using questionnaires, interviews, focus group work, observation, experimentation, interview techniques,
Ø Using humans and animals (including material / data) for experimental or other scientific purposes,
Ø Clinical researches on humans,
Ø Researches on animals,
Ø Retrospective studies in accordance with the law on protection of personal data.
Ø Stating that "Informed Consent Form" was obtained in case presentations,
Ø Obtaining permission from the owners for the use of scales, questionnaires and photographs belonging to others,
Ø It should be stated that the copyright regulations are complied with for the intellectual and artistic works used.
Researchers must obtain the necessary permissions by applying to the ethics committees in their region for all studies that require ethics committee approval.
The name of the ethics committee for permission, the date of evaluation and the number of the ethical permission document should be included in the method part of the study.
While the study is uploaded to the system for evaluation, a copy of the ethics committee permission document must be uploaded to the system.
In case the study includes data belonging to an institution, special permission must be obtained from the relevant institution that the data is used. The information of the permitting institution and what data it allows to use should be specified in the acknowledgment section.
If the study takes place in a privately owned area, special permission must be obtained indicating that he consents to the use of the data obtained from the relevant person and institution. The information about the person and institution that gave permission and which data they allow to be used should be specified in the acknowledgment section.
In case the entry or destruction of the study takes place in an area that requires special permission, special permission must be obtained from the relevant institutions to carry out the research. Information about the permitting organizations and the type of permit should be given in the acknowledgment section.
While the study is uploaded to the system for evaluation, a copy of the special permits received must be uploaded to the system.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Development reserves its legal rights in case of any dispute.

Our journal does not charge any fee for article publication.

All Rights Reserved. Kırıkkale University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Science.